Monday, March 23, 2009

The Whack-ness!!!

This is my first blog, EVER, so I'm just getting my feet wet! I have been known to be blunt and I have a lot of things to say all the time, so why not let EVERYONE know how I feel. Let's start out with intros, shall we... My name is Jarard but I go by MicCheck ((hence the blog name)) I'm 20 and I LOVE music and singing. I want to be a Music Teacher and/or a Vocal Coach one day but until then, I think I'll just grace the world w/ the things in my head. I have a lot of things on my mind and I just have to share them w/ the world. Okay so I'm going to start out with Making the Band.... here goes nothing!!!

Disclaimer: If you're a HUGE Day 26 fan you may want to proceed w/ caution!

Why must Qwanell be so whack??? I mean don't get me wrong the guy has MAD SKILLZ but... his attitude is really "Diva". I mean dude should have been casted in the video for Beyonce or should I say "Sasha Fierce" b/c he is ridiculous. I almost pissed on myself when he started rolling his neck and poking his lips out at Willie; Willie should've punched him in the face! I had flashbacks of the little girls I went to elementary school with, can we say "Suspect"!?! I have begun to really dislike Que all because of his attitude, but I don't think it's entirely his fault. Dawn has been up his butt so much that it's a shame. I have never seen a chick kiss up to a guy so much in all my life. What I want to know it... why are still all in the camera??? What you need to do is get on your grind and find some more group members!!! She is the one of the main reasons why there are some many problems w/ Day 26 b/c she's always try'na give Que advice. Granted some of the things she say have merit sometimes I'm just like, "Didn't your group just break up, u can't give NOBODY advice; truth be told you should be seeking advice". I mean one of the main reasons Danity Kane broke up is b/c Dawn was CLEARLY the "Diddy Fave". What really gets me is the fact that on the first c.d. she couldn't sing anything but "whoo, whoo", and now she's on “The Last Train to Paris”; I honestly think she should be under it! I think there is something fishy about that! And Donnie is so disposable, what artist doesn't know how to network w/ his fans????? I think Donnie should be dropped, like….. YESTERDAY!!!!! He doesn't know how to hold a 3 second conversation w/ a fan that comes backstage to see his WHACK butt, and on top of that they didn't even have a poster for the poor child. I just have a problem with WHACK people; especially WHACK people w/ recording contracts. Oh Yeah, and why does everybody claim to be so "broke" but EVERY episode they're turning up the bottle. Where is all this money that you allegedly "don't have" coming from??? This is probably the most backwards thing I've ever seen in my life. I mean you're all tears about your home "situation" then your rolling your neck and fighting about you "Broke-ness" then you go out to dinner and eat a FULL MEAL and whine about how "Broke" you are. I know why you're so "broke" it's because you stay in somebody's restaurant, club, liquor store etc... take your butt home and cook and you won't have that problem. Had you not spent all your money on those HIDEODEROUS hats, Gucci backpack, Ridiculous Boots and Mac Book Pros you'd have some money! Come guys, you have to do better than this. Since you're back in the studio maybe y'all won't be so WHACK and LAME, at least for the time being. Now I know some of you will not like the things said today but this is honestly how I feel and I almost don't care but if you find it necessary to contact me please do so! Well folks this has been a great ride and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. So, until next time, Don't worry about how much you’re on everybody’s mind & tongue, as long as your there you'll never turn up missing. So thank all your hater b/c they're keep you alive!!!

Next Time We'll Talk About: T.I. and how he’s try’na stay out of prison!!!

After everything said today... Thank Jesus for Sunday, so we ((Day 26, Donnie, Danity Kane, Diddy)) can repent for our "WHACK-ness"!!!!

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